
To align with the strategy ‘Collaboration among Industry, Academics, Research, Government’ (產、學、研、政聯動), CIE has been working closely with Hong Kong and Mainland government departments, institutes and industry parks (including Cyberport and HK Science and Technology Park in Hong Kong), VC investors and corporates across different industries from Hong Kong and around the world. Through our platform, we have been connecting start-ups and local and global resources in the value-chain and supply-chain.  CIE has also been co-organising programmes and events with other universities, academies and research institutes, as well as with other HKU faculties – to promote cross-disciplinary innovation. 

Our Collaborators

Collaboration with HKU YUAN Valley at HKU Business School-Shenzhen Campus

CIE works closely with YUAN Valley, the entrepreneurship base established by HKU Business School Shenzhen Campus, to incubate start-ups. Occupying a total area of approximately 3,000 square metres, HKU YUAN Valley offers separated and open office spaces, public spaces, conference halls, spaces for holding business discussions as well as support service facilities for offering public services. HKU YUAN Valley was designed to provide a full range of incubation services for hi-tech start-ups, enable the commercialization of their scientific and technological achievements, and enhance their level of internationalization.

HKU YUAN Valley provides comprehensive incubation services that cover production, research and finance for emerging hi-tech industries as well as entrepreneurs and innovators in up and coming sectors.

I. Basic services
Providing a best-in-class entrepreneurship space for entrepreneurship teams and helping them understand industrial policies.

II. Investment and financial services
Building a display platform for entrepreneurship teams and empowering them to engage with top investment institutions, such as venture capitals and corporate loan providers.

III. Engagement services
Assisting entrepreneurship teams in engaging with third-party professional institutions, such as policy declaration and IPR service providers, accounting firms and law firms, as well as with portals for city, province, and state-level innovation and entrepreneurship competitions.

IV. Corporate consulting and training services
Featuring the CIE management team and experts with extensive experience in entrepreneurship and management. HKU’s team of entrepreneurship mentors provide a range of entrepreneurship mentoring for entrepreneurship teams. The team can also help them solidify their business model, enhance their strategic thinking, and improve their level of internationalization.

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