Web3.0 Global New Infrastructure Forum | Web3.0 環球新基建論壇


Mar 14 2024


2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


HKU iCube
Room 4005-07, 40/F, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central
Home Events Archive - Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Web3.0 Global New Infrastructure Forum | Web3.0 環球新基建論壇


The integration of digital and reality is a megatrend in internet and Web3.0 development. Embracing this trend, the Hong Kong government aims to establish Hong Kong as a hub in the Web3.0 ecosystem. In addition, the approval of the Bitcoin ETF by the SEC in 2024 is a significant milestone in this sector. As HKU Business School is dedicated to nurturing talents with a global perspective and a forward-thinking mentality, the forthcoming “Web3.0 Global New Infrastructure Forum” aims to explore how the latest Web3.0 innovations and technologies can contribute to the sustainable and responsible development of Web3.0.

Event Highlights:
  1. Explore the key driving force of Web3.0 in the development of Hong Kong as a leader in Asia Pacific and even globally, showcasing how to accelerate the process of becoming an innovative global Web3.0 leader through the use of blockchain technology.
  2. Discuss the transition from Web2.0 to Web3.0, providing participants with unprecedented opportunities and challenges.
  3. Highlight the role of new technologies, applications, and business models in driving the rapid development of Web3, as well as how to address market pain points through efficient, fast, cost-effective, and secure business models.
  4. Explore how proper regulatory measures become the key to ensure technology security, asset security, and transaction security.
  5. Discuss the advantages of cross-border collaboration and forward-looking regulation in creating an innovative Web3.0 ecosystem.



​虛擬與現實融合已成互聯網發展趨勢,香港政府讓香港發展成為Web3.0樞紐的目標清晰。2024年,比特幣ETF獲SEC批准,成為Web3.0發展的重要里程碑。香港大學經管學院致力培養具國際視野及前瞻性的人才,將於本活動 “Web3.0環球新基建論壇” 探討如何利用新技術引領時代,確保Web3.0可持續的安全發展。

  1.   探索Web3.0作為香港發展成為亞太乃至環球的關鍵驅動力,展示如何利用區塊鏈技術加速成為全球Web3.0創新的領導者。
  2. ​  討論從Web2.0加速向到Web3.0的過渡,為參與者提供前所未有的機遇及挑戰。
  3.   ​突出新技術、新應用和新業態在推動Web3快速發展中的作用,以及如何通過高效、快捷、便宜且安全的商業模式解決市場痛點。
  4. ​  探討適當的監管措施如何成為確保技術安全、資產安全和交易安全的關鍵。
  5. ​  探討通過跨界合作和前瞻性監管創造有利於Web3.0的創新生態。


Date: March 14, 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 14:00 – 17:30
Venue: HKU iCube, Room 4005-07, 40/F, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central
Format:  Face-to-face
Registration: Please register here.

Please contact us at cieinfo@hku.hk for any enquiries.

About CIE:

Sponsored by HKU Business School, the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is committed to connect research and practice, and create a vibrant and diverse community of entrepreneurs and innovators to drive positive changes in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area.

With our teams and resources inside and outside Hong Kong, we aim at bridging the ecosystems in China and overseas.


More about the Forum:



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Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)

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